Charcoal Filtration

Charcoal Filtration
Activated charcoal is commonly used in several types of water filtration systems. Of all the methods of purifying water, charcoal is the most cost efficient.

Charcoal works as a filter by removing impurities from water. They excel in removing organic and carbon based materials from water. The EPA has even noted that activated charcoal is the absolute best way to remove contaminants from water.

All water for drinking, cooking, bathing, etc. etc. should be filtered through an activated charcoal system. Most newer homes feature faucets that have activated charcoal filtration systems in the kitchens, although it is suggested that they should filter all the water in your home.

Although most of us are not going to be drinking the water during a shower, it should still be filtered. Some fumes from contaminants could leak out and cause harm, and also skin will absorb these chemicals and micro-organisms. Activated Charcoal is simply regular charcoal that is fused with oxygen. This creates pores in the charcoal and then these pores absorb unwanted contaminants.

Unfortunately, activated charcoal is not always a fool-proof method as the pores in the filter will become clogged with bacteria and other contaminants. Thankfully though, charcoal filters are easily affordable, and don’t have to be changed as often as one might think. It is suggested by architects, doctors and home builders alike that charcoal filtration systems be installed in every home. This will promote a healthier lifestyle for you and your loved ones.
